Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Swimming Squirrel

My husband went to clean out the pool skimmer today when he noticed....A TAIL!!
Upon further inspection, we decided it was attached to a squirrel and the rest of the body was in the skimmer opening. As he went to push it out so I could scoop it up in the net....IT MOVED!!

The squirrel was still alive!!
The salvage operation became a rescue mission!

Using a bucket and a tennis racket I scooped up the soaking wet, shivering, little baby squirrel and put it by a tree in our back yard.
After a while it climbed the tree....
But then, it climbed back down to hide under the bush at the bottom.

Molly, our ferocious dog, BARKED at it; it climbed up the tree.
Molly, our ferocious dog, walked away; the squirrel climbed down....
Repeat countless times all evening.....

So, I have to ask...
?1 Why does it keep climbing down the tree to sit on the ground??
Climb squirrel! Be free!

?2 Where is it's MOTHER!!
Mother Squirrel! You disappoint me! Come help your baby!!

Stay tuned.....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

SOOiPC Saturday

Straight out of the iphone Camera Saturday
Why do dogs love sticking their heads out of the car window?
How can wind (and bugs) gusting in your face bring such doggone joy?
Cool part of this was taken of her reflection in the side mirror!
Enjoy your day!
May the wind blow in your face and bring you joy!!
-Careful you don't swallow a bug!! GACK!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

SOOiPC Saturday

Straight out of the iphone Camera Saturday
(or in this case Sunday because the picture was taken Saturday night!)
Nothing beats a backyard bonfire!
Well actually, a beach bonfire is better but you take what you can get.

Friends, fun, laughter and marshmallows!
Once everyone else is in bed there is nothing more relaxing that staring at the flames!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rocks and Noses

I was lurking away in Blogland-(surprise!) and I came across a favourite blog on which the Blogger had posted photos of her son's baseball team.
Little boys in baseball uniforms are so cute!

All three of my boys played at one point.
And let me tell you, they were cute!
Problem is....the game -not so cute
To me, watching baseball was like watching paint dry!
OMG! Boring!

One of my sons agreed!
(No names are being mentioned to protect his dignity)
Picture this.....
We were nearing the end of a loooong game and my son was taking his turn in the outfield.
The ball never made it to the outfield, so what was a player to do??
The solution: Play with the gravel!
Well, not so much play with it, but stick pieces of it up his nose to see if he could blow them out.
Now that's a fun game!!

Turns out, one of the rocks was a tight fit.
As he jammed his finger up his nose to get it out, the rock went higher.
As the inning ended and he came off the field, that finger was digging for gold (or gravel)!

"Get your finger out of your nose! That's gross!"
"There's a rock stuck in my nose!"
"A WHAT??"
"There's a rock up there (pointing to his eyeball area) and I can't get it out!"
"A rock! How did a rock get up there??"
"I put it in."
"You what? Why?"
"To see if I could blow it back out!"

Sometimes we mothers just don't see the fun in anything!

Anyhow, a trip to the ER and his nose was rock free.
I won't go into details....let's just say my kid thought it was an adventure and I nearly passed out!
The rest of the season ended uneventfully and after a few more seasons he switched to football.
Thank goodness!
It's more exciting AND he looks cute in that uniform as well!
I'll let you know if he tries sticking a football up his nose!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all!
To Old Moms, New Moms, Wise Moms, Moms who Muddle through....

It's a hard job.....
There is no manual!
There is no right way, wrong way, this way, that way.....

It's a hard job......
It's a great job!
Thanks Boys!
As I muddle through- thanks for allowing me to be the best Mom I can be!
I love being your Mom!

Happy Mother's Day to all!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

SOOiPC Saturday

Straight out of Iphone Camera Saturday

Out in my backyard, in an area we call 'the forest', the garden grows wild.
A few years ago, I transplanted a Trillium from the forest up north which surrounded a cottage we rented to our forest in the city.
Every spring the Trillium grows in my garden, and every spring it multiplies.
It now has 6 flowers that bloom!
It reminds me of hot summer days and family time spent at the cottage.
A tiny blossom of hope in this cold wet spring that better days are coming.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who knew?

Wednesday's Word of the Week

Yesterday, I was reading an email which stated:
(each family will) participate in fundraising on a discrete measurement basis.....

Now the word discrete didn't look right to me (I rely heavily on spellcheck!) and the note didn't make sense. We'd fundraise but not talk about it to others??

Quite a discussion ensued between my husband and I.
"Don't you know what discrete means?"
"I thought I did! Do you?"

Well it turns out that there is discrete and then there is discreet.
Who knew??
discreet means 'judicious, prudent, showing discernment,' while discrete means 'detached, separate' and 'individually distinct'

Learn something new everyday!