Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Swimming Squirrel

My husband went to clean out the pool skimmer today when he noticed....A TAIL!!
Upon further inspection, we decided it was attached to a squirrel and the rest of the body was in the skimmer opening. As he went to push it out so I could scoop it up in the net....IT MOVED!!

The squirrel was still alive!!
The salvage operation became a rescue mission!

Using a bucket and a tennis racket I scooped up the soaking wet, shivering, little baby squirrel and put it by a tree in our back yard.
After a while it climbed the tree....
But then, it climbed back down to hide under the bush at the bottom.

Molly, our ferocious dog, BARKED at it; it climbed up the tree.
Molly, our ferocious dog, walked away; the squirrel climbed down....
Repeat countless times all evening.....

So, I have to ask...
?1 Why does it keep climbing down the tree to sit on the ground??
Climb squirrel! Be free!

?2 Where is it's MOTHER!!
Mother Squirrel! You disappoint me! Come help your baby!!

Stay tuned.....

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