Friday, February 5, 2010


GNO... Girl's Night Out

A few nights ago I had a GNO with my friends from University.
It's been awhile since we've seen one another.
Didn't matter.
A day, a week, a month, a year......our friendships just fall into place.

I've been thinking about our friendships.
We met when we were all young, innocent (?), ready to face the world and 18.
We've all changed and yet we haven't.

These are the friends I have grown up with, become adults with, I'm growing old(er) with them.
We've shared so much laughter, love, joy, happiness, fun, tears, sadness, heartbreak.
First loves, break ups, marriages, divorce.
Births, babies, children, teenagers.
Parents, siblings, in-laws, deaths, loss.
School, assignments, degrees, graduations, first jobs, job loss, career change.
Religion, politics, beliefs, opinions.

Laughter, love, silliness, hugs, support, gossip, discussions, stories, 'remember whens'.....
My friends are so dear to me.
I'm truly blessed to have them.


  1. It is so nice to have people in your life over the years :)

  2. ...and we are blessed having you all these many, many, many years ('grey/gray' hairs and all)!
