Sunday, April 25, 2010

Feeling Bored?

Feeling bored?
Need some entertainment?
I found a great Internet adventure.

It all began when I was reading the description for this DVD:
Google Me
The basic story: "It all started when I Googled my name....."

So, I Googled my name (current and maiden surname).
I discovered a number of cool sites and interesting information.

Go ahead, try it!
You know you want to......

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't sleep. Followed your bloggin' advice. didn't help settle me into a restful slumber. Rather, it was depressing. To see people with the same moniker doing more with their lives. * sigh *

    I'll email you my findings. You might wish to call them and ask to be their friend. They sound more interesting – and potentially wealthier.
