Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh! How I giggled!

I took two of my boys to the Dr.'s today for their Twinrix #2 shot.
We waited and waited and waited.......
The Dr. was obviously behind schedule.
Another kid was called in before us.

Then we heard it:
The screaming!
The yelling!
The begging!
The pleading!

Obviously, she was torturing the poor kid.
How did I react??
I giggled uncontrollably!

A screaming child is so much funnier when it isn't yours!

My boys sat passively through their shots.
They didn't entertain any mothers in the waiting room.
They were mad because they didn't get a sucker.
The 'Screamer' walked out with a sucker.....

The lesson??
Screamers get suckers.
I can tell my boys are gearing up their vocal cords for shot #3.
I can hardly wait!

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