Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The End.....

The End of Betty Blogger.....
The end of summer......
How sad!
I feel like we've only just begun!

So as I wipe away a tear, allow me to reflect!

The most important thing I learned in Betty Blogger Summer School was the fact that I can take on the Internet and use the tools effectively. It forced me to sit down and try things out.
Some tools I won't use again, some tools I'll continue to use on a regular basis!

The challenging part of Betty Blogger was juggling my family and vacation to complete the tasks without feeling like I was way behind or overwhelmed with too much to do. The other challenge was getting over the idea that people would be reading what I was writing. I worried about the wording, how I sounded, if I made sense, the flow, the presentation...... I still worry, I just realize I don't have an audience so it doesn't really matter how I sound as long as it makes me happy!

The other challenge was staying focused to the task at hand. It is easy to lose yourself on the Internet. One minute you are learning how to embed a video... hours later you realize you have been watching YouTube videos and it's way past your bedtime! The time I 've spent on Google Reader and Library Thing....don't get me started!

The 'self-directed' learning model? I liked it. I learned at my own pace (slow), on my own time (usually late at night), without the feeling of pressure to get it done and handed in on a weekly deadline. It worked for me this summer!

Way back in my first blog post, I wrote that I enrolled in Betty Blogger for the need to learn more, and the desire to challenge myself....HAHAHA! See what I mean about worrying about what I wrote and how I sounded!! Seriously, I've learned and I've challenged myself and I am glad I did. The course truly fulfilled my expectations. Plus, the cake was really good at the opening session!

Finally, would I recommend Betty Blogger to a friend?? Too late, I already have. I spent the summer talking about this course and what I'm learning and all the things I've done......
Hey! I just figured out why no one is asking me over for drinks anymore!
I'm not a boring Internet geek who goes on and on about the computer!
I'm a Betty Blogger graduate and I know cool stuff!
No worries, I'll just grab a glass of whine/wine and blog about it!
Wait, I already have!!
Way to go J!

So, with two weeks left, it's official!
School's Out for Summer!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LibraryThing...I think I love you!

Check out my gadget on the right!!
Cool or what!
LibraryThing....I love you!!

Part of the assignment was to post my link to LibraryThing.
Here it is:

Another way to get there (I am such a keener) is by clicking on a book on my LibraryThing gadget. For example, as my books scroll through, click on one that looks interesting to you (come on, I dare you!). Voila! A box pops up about that book.
You can click on the title to learn more about the book, read reviews etc.
You can click on the author to read more about her, and her books. The ones checked off, are the ones I have read!
You can click on the member (that's me, JCreads) to see my profile and information.
Secure?? Yes! I didn't even have to give an email address or any other information to sign up!!
Note: It was a pain in the butt to invent a username that wasn't already taken!!

Will I continue to use LibraryThing?? Yes!
Did I mention that I love it?

I'm hoping it rains all afternoon so I can sit and add books to my collection (note to my friends and family: I'm only adding ones I like not the ones I had to force myself to finish!).
I've already written a ton of emails telling 'reading friends' to join.
I intend to form a group of friends to share good books with, like an online bookclub where all we have to do is show the cover!
No more group discussions needed!
This way we can share the book cover online and just go out for drinks!!

Let the reading on LibraryThing begin!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Facebook Follow-up

I read an interesting article about Privacy on Facebook on Sympatico News:


Glad to see I'm not the only 'paranoid security freak' out there!
It will be interesting to see what happens.
Stay tuned!

Google Reader

This was an interesting assignment.
Call me a lurker (....actually please don't), I have a number of blogs from around the world that I follow. I could have added those to my Google Reader account and finished quickly but I decided to try to search for new ones. Aren't I the keener!

I started off lazily and clicked on Staff Picks....I didn't mean to subscribe to them, I just wanted to check them out (lurk what other people lurk). By clicking on staff picks I was subscribed....it took me a few attempts and some Google Reader help to learn how to delete an RSS feed. I feel ahead of the game at this point!

The good news was I found a couple of cool sites that I individually subscribed to:
The Big Picture
Cute Overload

Then being a Supermarket-Line-Trashy-Magazine-Headline Lurker I subscribed to:
People.com Latest news
Pop Sugar

Now I can read the headlines in the privacy of my own home without my neighbours knowing that I love trashy tabloids!

I found Google Reader very easy to use and easy to navigate. I love the helpful videos and explanations that helped me along the way.
Will I continue to use it? Only time will tell... I believe it is a time saver (all that celebrity gossip at my fingertips), however, I also feel it encourages me to spend more time alone on my computer instead of out in the community interacting with real people and doing important things like grocery shopping!!

In the meantime, I leave you with this cute picture from Cute Overload (my new RSS feed!)


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Picnic on Wiki

Thanks Betty for the kind invitation to The BPL picnic.
I signed up on the Wiki:
•I will bring the bean bag toss, the horseshoes, the Tug-O-War rope, the Frisbees and the footballs.....you need some entertainment at picnics!

I find Wiki's easy to use. I especially like the layout of this one.
The last few courses I have taken through York University we have used Wiki's.
They worked really well for communicating with the whole class; following the course outline, assignments and readings; and signing up for presentations (and snack duty!).
I can't see myself using one on a daily basis, however for a course or an ongoing committee etc they would be ideal!

In parting today I leave you with Paul McCartney and his Tug Of War...
Wish I could bring Paul to the picnic as my date!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

I love Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I love Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Not the kind that you buy at a store.
Not even the bakery store kind.
I love my Mom's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies.
They are delicious.

I never been able to replicate them because frankly, I don't bake.
I don't like to bake.
I don't try to bake.
My Mom bakes them, and as I said, they are delicious.

Sometimes when she comes to visit she brings me a tin of them.
Freshly baked, just for me.
When my three sons and my husband aren't looking, she hands them to me.
And I.....I hide them.
Don't gasp in horror, it's my one motherly flaw.
Don't gasp in disbelief, I admit I have many flaws, but for the purpose of this food document, we are only going to focus on one.

One by one, two by two, three by three.....I eat them.
All by myself.
Late at night in the dark.
Mid-morning when the kids are outside.
Mid-afternoon when I'm frazzled.
Quickly, quickly before they come into the room.
Whenever I want one, whenever I need one.....
Just me and my Mom's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies.

I love my Mom's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies.
I love my Mom.

Sesame Street - Cookie Monster sings 'C is for Cookie'

This post was created using Goodle Docs and then imported to my blog.
I found Google Docs really easy to use. Check it out!

Sunflowers on Picasa

I love fields of sunflowers.
They are so beautiful to drive by in the summer!
Check out this field of sunflowers I found on Picasa:

It's titled Sunflower field in France.
I can close my eyes and imagine myself there.
Of course with a bottle of wine, baguette and cheese!
The assigned tags were:

Will I continue to use Picasa?
No, not at this point.
I have a whole digital picture system set up on my computer.
To me, it would be re-doing what I already do and manage.
Also, now that I have Facebook to share pictures and albums with my friends this would seem redundant and one more thing to manage.
Finally, I have some issues with privacy and the idea of my family pictures being out there on the web just bothers me.
How shocked was I when I opened Picasa for the first time only to find that my personal pictures I had posted to my blog (even the ones I deleted) were already in my Picasa account available for viewing. That really bothered me and I will think twice before I post pictures on my blog!
So, Picasa isn't for me, however, it was an interesting site to check out and play around with.

Sorry Pablo, your casa for my pictures just won't work!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Facebook About-Face

To Facebook or not to Facebook.....that has been the burning question.

If you had asked me 48 hours ago I would have said "Not for me."
How things change...but let's go back a few months.

I've been aware of Facebook for awhile, I've just never been interested.
The whole idea of lost friends finding you and making a new network of friends....
Let's face it, sometimes there is a reason lost friends are lost and old friends are old.
As for making new friends? I can hardly keep up with the ones I have, as well, I figured no one I knew was using it (how wrong I was)!

Earlier this year my 14 yr old signed up for Facebook.
I was not impressed....too much of his personal info was out there for all to read.
So I signed up for a popular parent evening at a local school:

Facebook 101 by Chris Vollum

Check out these articles to read all about him:

His emphasis is on understanding Facebook and putting securities in place.
I was shocked to see what you can access if you haven't secured or locked down your privacy settings. There are young people out there who are putting everything and I mean 'everything' out there for public viewing. Are you aware that colleges and universities are checking Facebook sites to see if a potential scholarship candidate is 'scholarship material'? A women at my evening workshop was in HR and her company checks Facebook sites before hiring new employees.

So, dubbed by my son 'the paranoid security freak', I sat down at the computer with him and 'locked him down'. At least he was locked down, who knows what he's opened up....

To add to my social networking concerns (or paranoia), I kept coming across articles like this:
The song Hotel California came to mind....
You can check out any time you like but you can never leave!

Facebook....not for me!

And then it happened....I went to a dinner party with a group of my University friends.
I haven't heard from most of them for a while and for the last few months I figured they have all been too busy with family, work and life.
Too busy to send emails or to phone. Too busy to send photos of their children and their travels.
Their email - voice mail - phone call silence was easy to explain.
Or so I thought.....

They aren't busy!
I've been missing out on the photos, the adventures and the gossip!

So, I did it.
I signed up.
I'm on Facebook!
I'm a member of the Betty Blogger Summer School Group... "Hello everyone!"
I have a Profile, Friends and a Photo Album.
I've been Tagged, I've sent notes and I've chatted live!
I see a future with my friends on Facebook.

But most importantly....I've locked myself down.
Or so I hope....if you see a photo of me floating around out there in cyberspace, let me know.