Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LibraryThing...I think I love you!

Check out my gadget on the right!!
Cool or what!
LibraryThing....I love you!!

Part of the assignment was to post my link to LibraryThing.
Here it is:

Another way to get there (I am such a keener) is by clicking on a book on my LibraryThing gadget. For example, as my books scroll through, click on one that looks interesting to you (come on, I dare you!). Voila! A box pops up about that book.
You can click on the title to learn more about the book, read reviews etc.
You can click on the author to read more about her, and her books. The ones checked off, are the ones I have read!
You can click on the member (that's me, JCreads) to see my profile and information.
Secure?? Yes! I didn't even have to give an email address or any other information to sign up!!
Note: It was a pain in the butt to invent a username that wasn't already taken!!

Will I continue to use LibraryThing?? Yes!
Did I mention that I love it?

I'm hoping it rains all afternoon so I can sit and add books to my collection (note to my friends and family: I'm only adding ones I like not the ones I had to force myself to finish!).
I've already written a ton of emails telling 'reading friends' to join.
I intend to form a group of friends to share good books with, like an online bookclub where all we have to do is show the cover!
No more group discussions needed!
This way we can share the book cover online and just go out for drinks!!

Let the reading on LibraryThing begin!

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