Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The End.....

The End of Betty Blogger.....
The end of summer......
How sad!
I feel like we've only just begun!

So as I wipe away a tear, allow me to reflect!

The most important thing I learned in Betty Blogger Summer School was the fact that I can take on the Internet and use the tools effectively. It forced me to sit down and try things out.
Some tools I won't use again, some tools I'll continue to use on a regular basis!

The challenging part of Betty Blogger was juggling my family and vacation to complete the tasks without feeling like I was way behind or overwhelmed with too much to do. The other challenge was getting over the idea that people would be reading what I was writing. I worried about the wording, how I sounded, if I made sense, the flow, the presentation...... I still worry, I just realize I don't have an audience so it doesn't really matter how I sound as long as it makes me happy!

The other challenge was staying focused to the task at hand. It is easy to lose yourself on the Internet. One minute you are learning how to embed a video... hours later you realize you have been watching YouTube videos and it's way past your bedtime! The time I 've spent on Google Reader and Library Thing....don't get me started!

The 'self-directed' learning model? I liked it. I learned at my own pace (slow), on my own time (usually late at night), without the feeling of pressure to get it done and handed in on a weekly deadline. It worked for me this summer!

Way back in my first blog post, I wrote that I enrolled in Betty Blogger for the need to learn more, and the desire to challenge myself....HAHAHA! See what I mean about worrying about what I wrote and how I sounded!! Seriously, I've learned and I've challenged myself and I am glad I did. The course truly fulfilled my expectations. Plus, the cake was really good at the opening session!

Finally, would I recommend Betty Blogger to a friend?? Too late, I already have. I spent the summer talking about this course and what I'm learning and all the things I've done......
Hey! I just figured out why no one is asking me over for drinks anymore!
I'm not a boring Internet geek who goes on and on about the computer!
I'm a Betty Blogger graduate and I know cool stuff!
No worries, I'll just grab a glass of whine/wine and blog about it!
Wait, I already have!!
Way to go J!

So, with two weeks left, it's official!
School's Out for Summer!


  1. Too funny! I'm sitting here at my desk reading your final comments bopping along to "We've Only Just Begun". It's the perfect theme music... I may just steal it for next year's course!


    I'm glad you had fun, J. I did too. And for the record, you did have an audience: ME! And I liked this final post the best.


  2. Wait – "We've Only Just Begun"! I think you should carry this through the school year. When has a lack of audience ever stopped you ; )

    Think of all the stories waiting to be shared. I know a Book Club that would love to add "Blogger" to their list of credentials, right after "Librarian".

    It has been witty, informative and I love the Sesame Street videos!

    Think I'll give the "LibraryThing" another look.
