Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm Back!!

After 4 months of silence, I've decided to come back!
(....the audience goes wild, I can tell you've all been waiting!)
Waiting? Waiting for what?
If someone knows, please tell me.

Let's talk about the past.
I started this blog as an online summer school course, exploring the realm of Web 2.0.
Each week I wrote about a new Web2.0 application that we were exploring.
(...Oh? says someone in the audience, Is that what all that rambling was about?)

Thanks for those of you who actually ever did!
Actually, I did this for the assignment not the audience.

But now, now what?
Let's roll with it and see where my ramblings takes me.
If nothing else, I'll babble on and make myself happy without bothering anyone.

It's working.....
I'm smiling already!!

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