Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I received a cookbook for Christmas.
Truth be told, I bought it , gave it to my husband and said "Please give me this".
It's a system that works for us.
What cookbook? More on that later....

Anyhow, as a New Year's resolution, I decided to try new recipes.
In my case....try using a recipe.
Typically, in my house, food comes out of a box.

So, I picked a dessert... Blackberry Cobbler
It had about 5 ingredients....just keepin' it simple to start!!
However, I was stumped.
Self Rising Flour???

I checked the bag under my counter....all-purpose.
I read all the words on the all purpose flour bag, not a word about self rising.
I panicked and phoned a friend who bakes.
She checked her flours...all-purpose, best for bread, wheat....no self rising.
She couldn't help but offered to phone her mom.
I got smart and checked through the recipe book to see if there was a difference.
There was, most recipes called for all-purpose, this one called for self rising.
Of all the recipes, I had to get a fancy one!
No dessert for us!

Next day, the grocery store.
Flour...who knew there were so many varieties?
All-purpose, wheat, pastry, rice, spelt...who cares how it's spelt HAHAHA!
And then I saw it-Brodie XXX self raising flour.
(bright light, heavenly music....music grinds to a jarring stop!!)
XXX?? Pornographic flour?? I just want to cook with it! Seriously!

What makes it special?
It is premixed with the right amount of baking powder and salt and saves time required to measure and mix in these important ingredients.....
I have salt and baking powder at home, I could have coped with two more ingredients!
But nooooo! I had to buy the expensive, fancy-schmancy, premixed, self rising flour for my fancy dessert (with five ingredients)!

Fast forward the story...I measured, I mixed, I baked, it rose (all by itself!), I served, we ate....
New Year's Resolution resolved.
Pan....still in the sink!

1 comment:

  1. Just found where I wrote down your bloggy address!! Nice to know you crack me up here and in person :)
