Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Toilet Talk

Now there's a title that catches your attention!
If you were looking for new phrases or words to add to your potty mouth repetoire, move on.
This blog is covering a much more serious topic.

Toilet talk.
Talking stall to stall.
Is there an etiquette guide?
What's acceptable??

Scenario 1: If two women friends walk into separate stalls mid conversation, is it OK for the conversation to continue?
Should it be put on hold until business is concluded?

Scenario 2: If you are in a stall and you see through the door crack a friend enter the stall next door (sometimes this happens through shoe recognition) is it OK to strike up a conversation?
Is it OK to do it with a friend? Family member? Colleague?

Scenario 3: Business is slow. Can you strike up a conversation with the total stranger in the stall next door?

I thought about it today, and yes, I thought about it while in a stall!
What can I say? I was lonely, starved for conversation and having random thoughts.
I need to know the rules before people start fleeing the washrooms whenever I sit down and speak up!

Toilet help please!!
.... and while I have your attention, I'm out of toilet paper can you pass some under??

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