Saturday, January 30, 2010

Good Decision

Last night I made a good decision.
A wise decision.
The right decision.

Last night I decided to skip the blog and go to bed.

Last night I had a great idea to blog about.
It was witty.
It was insightful.
It was fantastic!

Last night I had been drinking.
I decided I shouldn't 'Drink and Blog'.
Is there a blogger law about that?
There should be.

Last night I made a good decision.
In this mornings bleary light I realize:
Wit was sarcasm...
Insightful was lame...
Fantastic was over-rated.

Note to self:
Drink after you blog!
It's the LAW!

1 comment:

  1. Nah, you can drink and blog, but you put it IN DRAFT :)
