Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Challenge Stress!

I had a panic this AM waking up for my 5 day challenge!
I had to do it!
I was going to do it!
Uh-Oh! Problem...it was 2:30AM.

As I lay there wide awake, I started to worry.
I have to get back to sleep!
If I don't, I won't wake up at 6:15AM.
Sleep! Sleep! Gotta get to sleep!

Worry turned to panic.
Panic turned to stress.
4:00am rolled around.
Eventually, I fell back to sleep.

I didn't make my 6:15AM challenge.
I got up at 7:00am and ran!
I'm tired today.
I'm bitchy today.

I'm starting to think this challenge isn't a good idea.

Stop the negativity!!
Channel Annie:
Tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow.....
I'll keep you posted.


  1. This challenge is not to CREATE stress ... it is to make your life EASIER. Maybe you have to ease into your 6:15AM challenge? This week start at 7AM and run like crazy, next week 6:45AM and run a little less, the next week 6:30AM and enjoy a cup of coffee, then your goal within a month 6:15AM AND you get a hot shower before the coffee :)

  2. LOL ...oh J...sounds like my morning. Yesterday went so smoothly when I unintentionally took up YOUR challenge. I made muffins. I prepared lunches. Cleaned the kitchen. Gathered clothing for all. There was less stress. Less yelling. I did notice a downside to this rising early. The more I do - the less the hubby does!!!! Grrr. It was back to usual this morning though – like you, I rose at the regular time and it was CRAZZZZZEEEEEEE! Tomorrow is a new day!

  3. Lee,
    That's just crazy talk!!
