Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Digress...

Now that we're on the topic on boogeys...

Let's talk about the Boogeyman.
The who??
You know, the scary man that lived in your closet as a kid and made your nights a living hell.
As long as you stayed in bed and the closet door was shut, you were safe.
If the door was left open even a crack......
If you had to get out of bed for any reason...

The Boogeyman of my night terrors was made up entirely of....you guessed it -boogies!
Rolled and stacked one on top of another, he resembled a stick man made out of little circles.
I was a disturbed young child!
I can't tell you when I stopped fearing the Boogeyman, I can tell you that he made a lasting impression on me.
To this day I still can't sleep in a room if the cupboard door is open!

As a young adult about to be married, I was visited by another nighttime terror.
I would wake up in the middle of the night and standing at the end of my bed was a man in a black trench coat and a fedora type hat pulled low over his eyes!
I would wake up screaming the apartment down.
We're luck no one ever called the cops.
My husband-to-be called him "The Commitment Man".
He terrified me for months!

These days, I only dream of Scary-Burglar-Type-Men in the house if I've had too much to drink or if I've taken some cold/flu medicine.
I've waken up in terror as he sneaks up to the side of my bed to slit my throat while I sleep.
I really have to lay off the wine!

So, there you have it.
My scary men in my bedroom at night post.
Aren't you proud?? I didn't mention my husband once!!

Sorry, I couldn't resist!

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