Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Roll Up The Rim

It's Roll Up The Rim to Win Season.
A yearly event that all coffee drinking Canadians look forward to.
Roll up the rim on your Tim Horton's coffee cup to win a car! laptop!
money! coffee! donuts!! Yeehaw!!

So, here's the question of the day.....
If you saw an unrolled, used, discarded coffee cup in the garbage would you pull it out and roll up the rim??
What would get you....... Greed? Excitement? or The Gross Factor?
The gross, germ infested idea that someone's lips had been on the rim???
But wait! What if the plastic cover was open on the opposite side of the roll up.
This would indicate that foreign lips and germs aren't going to be where your thumbs will touch..... would you do it then??

There was controversy one year over a kid who pulled her teacher's cup out of the garbage but then needed to get help to roll up the rim......who was the true winner?? The person who bought the coffee?? The kid who pulled it out of the garbage?? The person who rolled it up??

Roll Up the Rim is a serious time of year.
I hate buying coffee for friends during this season.
If their cup wins....shouldn't I get the prize??

So many moral dilemmas over a cup of coffee.
Happy Rolling!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, so much for my "gotta entertain J post"! It is indeed a strange time of year ;)
