Monday, March 8, 2010

Silence is Golden

Bullshit I say!
Whoever came up with 'Silence is Golden' never had laryngitis!

Silence is annoying.
You can't talk to people!
You can't talk to yourself!
You can't laugh out loud!
You can't sing in the shower!
You can't yell at your kids!
You can't get anyone's attention!
You can't read aloud-important if you are a librarian!
You can't order coffee at the drive through window!

It's the coffee that is killing me!
I have to park, get out of the car and get in line.....
Note: in line when someone buds in front of you, you can't say "Hello! I was next!"
No, you just grin and bear it!
Remember to wear mitts so you can give the offending person the finger!

Next, you have to write a note ( I have a pre-written supply in my purse) and hand the cashier the note. This is when things get dicey.....sometimes, they momentarily think you are handing them a stick up note! PANIC!!

Then the fun begins:
1. They hand you your coffee and act like you have the plague-laryngitis isn't fatal!
2. They yell the price at you THAT IS $1.53- I'm silent not deaf!
3. They write the price on the piece of paper for you- Again, silent not deaf!
4. They whisper back.....

Smile and the whole world smiles with you, whisper and the same thing happens!

I'm on day 8 and I don't think I can go much longer!
Voice.....I miss you!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I can go on much longer either! I can't wait to talk when you get it back. Maybe we'll head over to Tim's and I'll hand over a note, just for fun :) Then we can gab the day away and get it out of your system.
