Monday, March 29, 2010

Nose Picker!

My favourite JK/SK teacher had to have a very serious talk with her JK/SK class.
The serious subject: Nose Picking!!
The usual's gross! it's dirty! it's disgusting!
The social connotations:...people will think you are gross! people will make fun of you!
If you have kids, I'm sure you know how the conversation goes.

Apparently, one of my favourite JK's spoke up.
-you have to imagine the lisp and the seriousness that only a 4yr old can have.
"You're right Mrs C." he said. "So I only do it a home!"
"But," she replied, "it's still gross at home!"
"I know!!" he agreed with her. "But boogers taste really good!"

Nose Picking: Gross
Eating It : Gross
A 4yr old leaving a teacher speechless: Priceless

1 comment:

  1. I love how your posts sound just like you. I can imagine every single word as spoken by you :) And yes, gross!
